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KRYOTERAPIE: klinické využití kryoterapie ve veterinární praxi – od kůže po oftalmologii.

Přednášely pro Vás kolegové – paní Gaëlle Verspeelt, salles manager společnosti z H&O Equipment

a Prof. Sophie Vandenbeele z Univerzity v Ghentu.

V rámci webináře se nám sešlo několik zajímavých dotazů, které jsme odeslali k zodpovězení.

Zde jsou tyto Vaše otázky i odpovědi na ně: 

  1. The most important to me in practise is, what would happen if I cryopened a malign tumor based on my wrong cytology? Please understand that I am not a small animal dermatologist or cytologist, I am just a general first line vet. For example the anal adenoma, few months ago we have a anal adenokarcinoma testosterone dependent looking exactly the same as anal adenoma. We also have few experience with the professional cytologist having a total different diagnoses on the same sample…So please what are the main risks to cryopen a malign lession?

The answer:

The main risks would be that the nodule does not respond or grows back. In that case excision is warrented. 

2. Another question is regarding the interdigital dermatitis in the presented bullmastiff (Dr. Vandenabeele mentioned), she mentioned 3 cycles of freezing. Please what is the exact protocol? Three circles means in one day? Like freeze, wait, freeze, wait, freeze, wait? Or 3 cycles within couple of days, how many days?

The answer:

The 3 cycles are done in 1 time so you freeze, let it thaw, then freeze, thaw and freeze and thaw again. 

3. And the last question regards the cryotherapy around the eye area, for example those cases you have in the presentation on the pictures. What is the correct protocol to avoid the cornea cryodemage? I have a few experience with the cryopen and the effected area gets swolen which you tend to avoid so close to the cornea.

The answer:

Here we refer to the following clinical case (see enclosed)

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